1. A Programming Language
As a programming language, java can create all kind of applications, desktop, web, and others, as created using other conventional programming language.
Java is an open source programming language and object-oriented programming (OOP) and can be run on various operating systems. Java development is not only focused on one operating system, but developed for different operating systems.
2. A Development Environment
As a builder tools, Java technology provides many tools: compiler, interpreter, compiler documentation, class packages and so forth.
3. An Application
Applications with Java technology in general are a versatile application that can be run on all machines that have Java Runtime Environment (JRE).
4. A Deployment Environment
There are two main components of the Deployment Environment. The first is the JRE, which is located on J2SDK package, containing classes for all Java technology package that includes basic classes of Java GUI components and so forth. Other components contained in the Web Browser. Almost all commercial Web browsers provide interpreters and runtime environment of Java technology.
Why Learning Java?
1. Simple
The Java programming language using syntax similar to C++ but the syntax of Java has improved a lot, especially eliminating the use of pointers and multiple inheritance. Java also uses automatic memory allocation and memory garbage collection.
2. Object-Oriented (OO)
Java using object-oriented programming makes the program can be created in a modular and can be reused. Object-oriented programming models the real world into objects and makes interaction between the objects.
3. Can be distributed easily
Java was made to create distributed applications easily with the integrated networking libraries in Java.
4. Interpreter
Java programs executed using the interpreter of the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). This causes the Java source code that has been compiled into Java bytecodes can run on different platforms.
5. Robust
Java has a high reliability. Compiler in Java has the ability to detect errors more thoroughly than any other programming language. Java has a runtime-exception handling to help overcome the errors in programming.
6. Safe
As a programming language for Internet and distributed applications, Java has several security mechanisms to keep the application to not be used to damage a computer system that runs the application.
7. Architecture Neutral
Java programs are platform independent. The program simply has one version that can run on different platforms with a Java Virtual Machine.
8. Portable
Java programs can easily be taken to different platforms without having to be recompiled.
9. Performance
Performance in Java is often said to be less high. However, Java performance can be improved using other Java compilations such as artificial Inprise, Microsoft or Symantec that using Just In Time Compilers (JIT).
10. Multithreaded
Java has the ability to create a program that can do several jobs at once and simultaneously.
11. Dynamic
Java is designed to be run in a dynamic environment. A change in a class by adding properties or methods can be performed without disturbing the program that uses that class.
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